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Model notifications beta

Set up dbt to notify the appropriate model owners through email about issues as soon as they occur, while the job is still running. Model owners can specify which statuses to receive notifications about:

  • Success and Fails for models
  • Warning, Success, and Fails for tests

With model-level notifications, model owners can be the first ones to know about issues before anyone else (like the stakeholders).

Beta feature

This feature is currently available in beta to a limited group of users and is gradually being rolled out. If you're in the beta, please contact the Support team at for assistance or questions.

To be timely and keep the number of notifications to a reasonable amount when multiple models fail, dbt observes the following guidelines when notifying the owners:

  • Send a notification to each unique owner/email during a job run about any models (with status of failure/success) or tests (with status of warning/failure/success). Each owner receives only one notification, the initial one.
  • Don't send any notifications about subsequent models or tests while a dbt job is still running.
  • At the end of a job run, each owner receives a notification, for each of the statuses they specified to be notified about, with a list of models and tests that have that status.

Create configuration YAML files in your project for dbt to send notifications about the status of your models and tests.


Configure groups

version: 2

- name: finance
description: "Models related to the finance department"
# 'name' or 'email' is required
name: "Finance Team"
slack: finance-data

- name: marketing
description: "Models related to the marketing department"
name: "Marketing Team"
slack: marketing-data

Set up models

version: 2

- name: sales
description: "Sales data model"
group: finance

- name: campaigns
description: "Campaigns data model"
group: marketing

Enable access to model notifications

As a dbt Cloud administrator, perform these steps to enable the model-level notifications feature for account members:

  1. Navigate to Notification settings from your profile name in the sidebar (lower left-hand side).
  2. From Email notications, enable the setting Enable group/owner notifications on models under the Model notifications section. Then, specify which statuses to receive notifications about (Success, Warning, and Fails).
Example of the setting Enable group/owner notifications on modelsExample of the setting Enable group/owner notifications on models